Third time lucky for this blogging lark. I've decided I want to give it a go again as it could help my writing for my degree (I wish! :P). But instead of going the beauty blogging route again, I've decided to write more about my life and things I've been doing/reading and my experiences at Uni in general.
So here's a little bit about myself again before I start on my attempt at blogging again.
(insert really old photo of me)

So I'm a 20 year old second year history undergraduate at the University of Northampton. I particularly enjoy Russian history from around 1880 to 1918, certain aspects of World War One and quite a lot of local history. I drive a black Chevrolet Spark called Bernard, after one of my favourite TV/comedy characters, Bernard Black. When I'm not at Uni I love watching crap on the TV, mostly Eastenders. I also enjoy reading 'chick lit', when I have time. When you have a massive pile of history books to read, reading isn't the first thing on your list to do in your free time.
My best friend lives in London which means I don't get to see him as much as I would like to but I'm hoping over the summer holidays I will have more of an excuse to see him on my visits to the National Archives and the National War Museum for my dissertation research.
So I guess that's it? Hopefully I'll have something interesting to write about soon. Until then, tara! x